Spirit Map is unique in the way its algorithm integrates people’s self-assessment and importance ratings to determine Signature Strengths (SS) and Key Opportunities (KO):
We encourage congregations and individuals to consider how their Signature Strengths and Key Opportunities interact with each other, and two pairs from these lists combine in interesting ways:
SS: I believe my life has meaning and purpose. KO: I have a clear purpose to my life and am able to articulate that purpose to both myself and others. SS: I care deeply about the welfare of others. KO: I give to others fully and generously. We regularly see these pairs emerge for the individuals and congregations who complete Spirit Map, and we encourage them to consider how the Signature Strength might support work on the Key Opportunity. For example, in the first pair, the belief that life has meaning and purpose can provide both motivation and a frame for the search for vocation. Daily reflection on what meaning has been found in that day (and where it was not found) can suggest possibilities for a meaningful vocation that connects to a higher purpose. Daily reflection on the meaning found in that day can also strengthen the ability to shift vocation as circumstances change, so that it does not become a static vocation that over time loses its ability to be a vehicle of service to the world’s need or an all-consuming idol out of balance and right relationship. In the second pair, the opportunity is to translate deep caring into personal generosity. Daily reflection on where the care for others might find concrete and generous expression, within good boundaries so that neither the giver nor the recipient becomes burdened, can help both individuals and congregations find the redemptive power of love acting in the world. It’s also interesting to consider what domains of spiritual well-being are reflected in these most-frequent Signature Strengths and Key Opportunities. We’ve done factor analysis on the Spirit Map items to determine which items “bundle” together and found five domains (for more info on this process, see our white paper):
What are the most-frequent Signature Strengths and Key Opportunities in your congregation? Contact us to start the Spirit Map process in your congregation and find out. What are your personal Signature Strengths and Key Opportunities? Take the Spirit Map inventory yourself and see! You can purchase a Spirit Map report, which gives you full access to the inventory, or you can try a sample inventory. Or, explore our website to learn more about us. *We used the data from three Unitarian Universalist congregations, one in Minnesota (n=248), one in Colorado (n=302), and one in Massachusetts (n=133). We only used the data from people in these congregations who gave a self-assessment and an importance rating to all 44 Spirit Map items, hence the n for this analysis (523) is less than the total sample from the three congregations.
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May 2020